Acceptance and waiting lists

User access

Entry is coordinated by the reception service present at the Facility.

The entry proposal is made by contacting the numbers:

from Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00, and Saturday from 9.30 to 13.00.

Entry of users from CSM/DSM psychiatric services

Entry proposals are evaluated by the Therapeutic and multidisciplinary team within 2 working days following the day of receipt. The outcome of the evaluation, which will be communicated via direct email to the proposing DSM, can be:

  • Acceptance of the entry proposal
  • Request for further clinical clarifications from the proposing doctor
  • Non-acceptance of the entry proposal

If the Entry Proposal is accepted, the User is placed on the waiting list; the entry date is communicated to the proposing DSM via direct call as soon as the bed space is available.

Entry of users coming from home

After 7 days from the submission of the entry proposal, the User and/or the family member who submitted the Proposal can request information by calling the Reception Office to inquire about the outcome of the evaluation. If the proposal has been accepted, the User is placed on the waiting list and is contacted by telephone for entry as soon as the bed space is available.

It is important to clearly specify in the entry proposal the telephone numbers where you can be contacted. The reason for any refusal to enter can only be communicated to the User.

In the event that the User cannot directly contact Villa Belvedere s.r.l., the people authorized for this purpose, including the treating doctor, can request (via email or WhatsApp message) from the Acceptance Office the reason for the refusal.

Entry into the extensive therapeutic-rehabilitation residential facility

Entry into the extensive Therapeutic-Rehabilitation Facility involves a series of evaluation stages which include:

  • The sending of a pre-insertion evaluation form from the sending team combined with the clinical report drawn up by the DSM doctors;
  • The drafting of a pre-insertion evaluation form carried out by the team of the extensive Therapeutic Rehabilitation Residential Structure;
  • The definition of a memorandum of understanding between the Facility team and the User. The protocol drawn up upon entry into the facility concerns:
  • The organization of the structure, management of common spaces, personal hygiene, the use and abuse of dependent and aggressive behaviors;
  • The planned intervention strategies (pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, family discussions, individual and group psychoeducational therapy, art therapy groups);
  • The analysis of motivation and adherence to the entire treatment path; Informed consent and authorization to process data.

During the stay at the Rehabilitation Facility, periodic checks are scheduled (three, six and twelve months) after inclusion with the DSM or the general practitioner and the patient's family network.


Entry into the extensive Therapeutic Rehabilitative Residential Facility takes place from Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30.

Confirmation of entry is given the same day by telephone, no later than 10.00, for entrances scheduled in the morning, and by 12.30 for entrances scheduled in the afternoon.

Upon entry, the User must be equipped with:

  • Identity document;
  • Entry requirement for placements in the extensive Therapeutic-Rehabilitation Residential Facility issued by the Mental Health Center and UVM;
  • Health card with tax code;
  • Booklet choosing the general practitioner and possible exemption for guests of the Residential Facilities;
  • Where available, clinical documentation relating to previous hospitalizations: medical records, x-rays, analyses, prescriptions for therapies carried out and other diagnostic tests already carried out.

Under no circumstances can admissions or placements be carried out without the documents indicated above.

In addition to the items necessary for personal hygiene (towels, liquid soaps with dispensers, shampoo, etc.), it is advisable to bring:

  • Bathrobe or shower towel;
  • Comfortable shoes, preferably sneakers;
  • T-shirts;
  • Underwear;
  • Cotton socks;
  • Pajamas and/or nightgown;
  • Nightie;
  • Gymnastics suit with front opening.

It is useful to provide several changes of underwear and t-shirts to allow the assistance staff to guarantee constant hygiene of the User.

Welcoming of Users

Great attention is paid to hotel quality requirements and in particular to hospital hospitality.

Upon entry, the User and his/her family members are given the Nursing Home Service Charter, together with a form containing information on the host structure, as well as the data processing authorization form.

The Guest, after having carried out the first interview with the Operator (Psychologist/Educator/Social Assessor) who will explain the rules of the Community (ban on smoking in common areas, visit times, times and times of permits, control of personal effects ).

The choice of room is made by the Facility Manager or the Operator present based on the clinical conditions, compatibly with the availability of space and/or any movements of other Guests.