Decalogue of the volunteer

1Availability and commitment

  • Offer your time generously and regularly, respecting the commitments made with the organization and the beneficiaries.
  • Make sure you are in good physical and mental condition to perform the service at your best.

2Altruism and generosity

  • Act with a spirit of solidarity and without ulterior motives, placing the well-being of the beneficiaries at the center.
  • Refuse any compensation or material reward for your service, except modest expense reimbursements.

3Respect and welcome

  • Treat everyone with kindness, respect and compassion, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, nationality, opinion or socio-economic status.
  • Listen carefully and without judgment to the needs and experiences of the beneficiaries, demonstrating empathy and understanding.

4Professionalism and confidentiality

  • Follow the training and instructions provided by the organization, carrying out your service with competence and responsibility.
  • Maintain confidentiality of all sensitive information relating to beneficiaries and the organization.

5Collaboration and synergy

  • Collaborate with other volunteers, organization staff and beneficiaries in a climate of trust and mutual respect.
  • Promote collaboration and communication within the team, promoting group cohesion and effectiveness.

6Discretion and humility

  • Do not adopt paternalistic or intrusive attitudes, but support the beneficiaries with humility and respect for their autonomy.
  • Avoid talking about your service in a boastful way or seeking personal approval, placing emphasis on the collective value of volunteering.

7Flexibility and adaptability

  • Be ready to adapt to different situations and needs, welcoming changes and unexpected challenges with flexibility.
  • Maintain a positive and proactive attitude, facing difficulties with commitment and perseverance.

8Learning and growth

  • Consider volunteering as an opportunity for continuous learning, enriching your knowledge and skills.
  • Reflect on your experiences and actively participate in the training and refresher meetings offered.

9Self-care and well-being

  • Take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, so that you can give your best in service.
  • Recognize your limitations and don't hesitate to ask for help or support when needed.

10Testimonial and promotion

  • Be a positive example of altruism and solidarity, promoting the values โ€‹โ€‹of volunteering in your community.
  • Share your experience with enthusiasm and encourage others to donate their time for the greater good.

Remember: Volunteering is a precious gift that enriches not only those who receive it, but also those who offer it. Be a conscious, responsible and passionate volunteer, making a difference in the lives of others and in your own existence.