Global Project

GLOBAL PROJECT aimed at achieving an increasingly greater "Quality of life" for guests

Centrality of the person, promotion of life, building meaningful relationships these are the polarities within which the action of the "Integrated Space" takes place with an intense and correctly articulated relationship, capable of giving serenity and confidence to people who are often alone and in difficulty.

Family members are given an important role within the care team and suggestions and reports are welcome with the aim of constantly improving the service offered.

Through this work we intend to offer guests a space that guarantees global assistance, to respond to the ever-increasing need for assistance and rehabilitation, while at the same time acting as "mentoring" for the family itself.

The S.R.T.R.e. will work for the entire year. Its purpose is to offer a rehabilitation project to allow guests to live in a controlled and protected environment, foreseeing situations of marginalization and social hardship.

Inspiring principles and ethics of the community

1Humility of the operators

2Centrality of the guest

3Respect for the rules and the program

4Prohibition on accepting payments or tips from guests

5Respect for timetables

Therapeutic program

The therapeutic rehabilitation program proposed by CTR “Villa Belvedere” Therapeutic Rehabilitation Community provides an integrated pluralistic treatment plan whose key principles are psychological-clinical rehabilitation work, based on a specific therapeutic contract developed ad hoc for each individual guest by the multidisciplinary team with short, medium and long-term objectives and checks. The individualized Therapeutic-Rehabilitative project lasts approximately 18/24 months and is carried out by the team made up of the psychiatrist, the psychologists-psychotherapists and the nursing staff of the community, through both individual and group psychological support work. The therapeutic rehabilitation program is also relevant and complete for a type of drug addiction rehabilitation "with a specific and structured program ad hoc for the area of ​​addiction to alcohol and psychotropic substances and dual diagnosis. This therapeutic path involves "structured psychotherapeutic work" focused on the following areas:


Psychopathological area

The thematic nuclei on which the treatment plan is centered are limited to an integrated phenomenological evolutionary excursus regarding the management and correction of deviant behaviors, the management of emotions; the management of impulses and aggression; an adequate reality check (understanding one's limits, perceived self-efficacy, in-depth work on self-esteem); the acquisition of a healthy lifestyle; a therapeutic path that has its clinical effectiveness and efficiency regarding healthy self-care and body image; the achievement of a high coping style and resilience; a congruous representation of oneself and others; an adequate and real level of self-awareness of the conditions of pathological dependence so as to develop an ad hoc treatment plan with high monitoring of the short, medium and long-term therapeutic objectives.


Motivational Area

The thematic nuclei on which the treatment plan is centered are limited to an integrated phenomenological evolutionary excursus regarding the motivation for attending experiential laboratories, workshops in group settings, the motivation for carrying out the rehabilitation program, the attitude towards the previous style of life and an adequate interpretation of any repercussions. The Therapeutic-Rehabilitative activities consist of experiential workshops in group settings, in this case experiential Art-therapy workshops in group settings with elements of Gestalt Psycho-therapy, Social-recreational workshops (board games, Karaoke, Dance Movement Therapy), Workshops of Psycho-linguistics with training sessions for creative learning of the English language (training projects aimed at re-entry into work), expressive-verbal workshops (newspaper group with reading and commenting on the selected articles and group for reading didactic and fables with self-reflection and sharing regarding one's affective-emotional and cognitive experiences), self- and mutual-help groups and psycho-educational groups.


Psychosomatic-Psychocorporeal Area

The thematic nuclei on which the treatment plan is centered are limited to a functional-bodily excursus that evaluates and works on the patient taking into account the four functional levels (cognitive-symbolic level, emotional level, postural level, physiological level). The patient is considered multidimensionally (psyche and body) as a whole and not fragmented unit. In reference to this, classes of Bioenergetic Exercises, Dynamic Experiential Groups are proposed (we work on Basic Functionings, Basic Dysfunctional Experiences), Breathing Techniques, Anti-Stress Techniques that take into account Movement Therapy and Chronic Tension Therapy .


Relational area

The thematic nuclei on which the treatment plan is centered are limited to an integrated phenomenological evolutionary excursus regarding the relational capacity in groups, the relationship with the operators, the acceptance of social rules, the co-construction of a harmonious relationship between the Guest and the nuclear family as well as with the family of origin, the construction and maintenance of a positive social network.