Healthcare team

Professional roles of the Villa Belvedere Psychiatric Structure

The Psychiatrist:
prende in carico ogni utente che accede in struttura, formula ipotesi diagnostiche, che confronta  con l’equipe, ridefinisce e imposta la terapia farmacologica, supervisiona le terapie socio-riabilitative, coordina riunioni di equipe a cadenza settimanale o in ogni situazione particolare che lo richieda; aggiorna periodicamente, i curanti referente esterni alla comunità coadiuvando il mantenimento di una rete di cura per l’utente; is responsible for each user's therapeutic project.

Lo psicologo clinico, svolge attività psicodiagnostica attraverso l’ausilio dei test psicometrici; fornisce, attraverso colloqui individuali e di gruppo di sostegno uno spazio espressivo e volto ad aumentare la motivazione e l’aderenza ai trattamenti riabilitativi; partecipa alle riunioni di equipe; stila quotidianamente mini report sullo status psicologico dell’utente; comunica con i curanti referenti esterni  per pianificare il progetto terapeutico e per mantenere la continuità; stila con l’equipe report di dimissioni in cui segnala momenti salienti e caratteristici del percorso terapeutico dell’utente.

The psychotherapist carries out individual, group and family psychotherapy activities; carries out the first individual interview aimed at taking charge, collecting the clinical history and processing the application; participates in daily team meetings aimed at organizing and evaluating clinical activities; works in a team; is responsible for organizing rehabilitation activities and supervises their progress; organizes and manages, on a weekly basis, support and motivation groups for community staff; in accordance with the activity of the doctor and clinical psychologist, compiles periodic and discharge reports.

Professional nurses:
collaborates with other figures in carrying out community activities; ensures the correct administration of pharmacological therapies; notes users' vital signs; holds and stores medications correctly; participates in team meetings; verifies, together with the other operators, the possession of prohibited materials or substances within the community; on a weekly basis, draws up a list of necessary medicines and medical aids and checks their expiry date and functionality;

It implements educational projects aimed at developing functional skills to encourage user autonomy and supports users in engaging in various activities. Works in close collaboration with the psychiatric rehabilitation technician.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician:
It helps users recover personal and relational skills, encouraging self-care, personal objects and developing relational skills. Work in close collaboration with the educator.

Social worker:
deals with the management of the social aspects of users. Manages users' valuables and money in accordance with the therapeutic rehabilitation plan. Assists users and staff in finding documents and any legal benefits. Coordinates activities carried out outside the community, strengthening the social and territorial network.

Managing director
Dr. Gabriella Fiorelli – Manager and Administrative Director
Healthcare Director/Psychiatrist
Dr. Edoardo Favaretti – Psychiatrist – Head Psychiatrist
Referring Doctor
Dr. Mario Colantuono – Surgeon
Dr. Sberna Anna - Psychologist
Dr. Lozzi Emanuela - Psychologist
Psychology Technicians/Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician/Educators
Dr. Mariantonietta Storzillo – Psychologist/Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician
Psychology Technicians/Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician/Educators
Dr. Cargoni Ferdinanda – Professional Educator
Psychology Technicians/Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician/Educators
Dr. Andrea Quercioli - Professional educator
Chiara Nicoletta Guidoni - Professional nurse
Maria Chiara Santilli - Professional nurse
Social worker
Dr. Eleonora Troiani