Quality and Clinical Risk

The structure is equipped with an insurance policy n°420145075 stipulated with the company “Generali” valid from 02/23/2024 to 02/23/2025 available at the Facility.


1.1) Third Party Civil Liability Insurance (R.C.T.)

The Company, on the basis of the compliant Proposal-Questionnaire, undertakes to indemnify the Insured of what he is required to pay, by way of compensation (principal, interest and expenses), as civilly liable under the law, for bodily injury and materials involuntarily caused to third parties, as a consequence of an accidental event occurring in relation to the performance of the activity for which the insurance is provided.

The insurance also covers civil liability that may arise from the Insured for material and bodily damage attributable to the negligent or malicious act of all personnel, whether employed or not, operating in any capacity at the insured facility and for which they must respond pursuant to law.

The insurance also extends to the personal and direct civil liability of the Health Personnel Employees (see definition) of the Insured for material and bodily damage involuntarily caused to third parties, in the performance of their duties, without prejudice to the right of compensation or subrogation in the event of fraud or gross negligence pursuant to art.9 of law 8 March 2017, n.24. This extension of guarantee, in the event of definitive cessation of the professional activity of the Employee Healthcare Personnel, will be considered extended for requests for compensation relating to professional errors committed during the period of validity of this contract, presented within 10 years following the date of cessation of activity.

1.2) Civil liability insurance towards workers (R.C.O.)

The Company undertakes to indemnify the Insured of what he is required to pay (principal, interest and expenses) as civilly liable:

  1. pursuant to articles 10 and 11 of the Presidential Decree. 30 June 1965 n. 1124 and article 13 of Legislative Decree 23 February 2000 n. 38, for accidents (excluding occupational diseases) for which INAIL is required to provide a benefit, suffered by workers employed by it (including apprentices) insured pursuant to the aforementioned Presidential Decrees. 30 June 1965 n. 1124 and Legislative Decree 23 February 2000 n. 38 and employed in the activities for which the insurance is provided;
  2. pursuant to the Civil Code as compensation for damages not falling within the provisions of the Presidential Decree. 30 June 1965 n. 1124 and Legislative Decree 23 February 2000 n. 38, caused to the workers referred to in point A above, due to death and personal injuries resulting in permanent disability (excluding occupational diseases) calculated on the basis of the table of impairments referred to in article 13 paragraph 2 letter. a) of Legislative Decree 23 February 2000 n. 38.

The insurance is provided with a deductible equal to the amount indicated in the Policy Sheet.

They are equated to the Insured's employees for the purposes of the previous points A. and B.:

  1. a) employees of other companies - other than contracting, subcontracting, co-contracting, consortium and associated companies - operating in stable premises of the Insured and in particular:
  • temporary workers;
  • seconded workers;
  1. b) the insured's ancillary workers (paid with vouchers pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/2015 articles 48 et seq.);
  2. c) any additional collaborators of the Insured as provided for by law (such as those provided for by Legislative Decree 81/2015 art. 2 paragraph II) and subject to compulsory INAIL insurance;
  3. d) the workers subject to compulsory INAIL insurance which the Insured uses in compliance with current legislation for the execution of part of the activities for which the insurance is provided, without prejudice to the exclusion of contract cases ;
  4. e) the owners and employees of companies providing maintenance, repair and testing services for capital goods (without prejudice, for the maintenance of buildings, to the provisions of art. 13 of the Special Conditions).

Members and supporting family members, all of whom are subject to compulsory INAIL insurance, are treated as employees of the Insured Party limited to the compensation paid by INAIL referred to in point A above.

In any case, the guarantee is effective provided that, at the time of the accident, the worker is in compliance with the legal insurance obligations or that, if he is an employee of the Insured who is not in compliance, the irregularity derives from proven and involuntary misinterpretation of the regulations in force on the matter.

For employees, collaborators referred to in point c) and workers not subject to compulsory INAIL insurance, the guarantee operates in accordance with the previous point B.

Both the Civil Liability insurance towards third parties and the Civil Liability insurance towards workers are also valid in relation to the compensation actions carried out by INPS.

Legal Representative: Doctor Gabriella Fiorelli

Medical Director: Dr. Edoardo Favaretti